The Register of Mobility Scorers – RoMs

What is a RoMS Scorer?

A Register of Mobility Scorers (RoMS) approved scorer is an independent mobility scorer who has undergone a specific training programme to deliver a standardised mobility score. They have undergone annual re-calibration. RoMS Scorers agree to hold themselves to high professional standards. RoMS Scorers have been trained to deliver the AHDB mobility score assessment method (see below).

To find an approved RoMS scorer in your area, please click here.

Mobility Scoring
Fig 11: AHDB’s mobility score sheet, click the image to be directed to the AHDB mobility score webpage 

How to become Roms accredited? 

To become a RoMS approved scorer, delegates need to attend a one day training course, details of which are found here.

Once delegates have completed the training course, it is recommended that you score at least 1000 cows to gain practice using the AHDB mobility score system. Following practice, delegates need to take the calibration test. The calibration test takes the format of watching short video clips of cows and ascribing a score to them. Once completed, this calibration will be taken annually upon renewal of membership.

Annual subscription fees are £35.

Anyone who has completed an approved training course and passed the on-line test is eligible for inclusion on the register.

For further enquiries either visit the RoMS website, or contact the RoMS secretary at .