The association between lameness and fertility in dairy cattle

By Cheng, J. T. and Cheng, JongTae and Cho, M. R. and Cho, MyoungRae and Jang, K. H. and Jang, KwangHo and Kim, Y. C. and Kim, YoungChan and Nam, T. C. and Nam, TchiChou and Seo, K. M. and Seo, KangMoon and Yeon, S. C. and Yeon, SeongChan, Korean Journal of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, 1999
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140 cows with claw disorder were used to study the association between lameness and reproductive disorders. Poor oestrus due to ovarian hypoplasia (41.4%) followed by follicular cyst (39.3%) were the most frequent disorders. 294 cows were studied for association between lameness and calving to first service and calving to conception intervals and the effects of lactation number, claw disease and floor conditions. A comparison of number of services per conception between lame and sound cows was also carried out. The calving to first service intervals were significantly increased from an average of 78 to 102.5 days and calving to conception intervals were significantly increased from 109.6 to 150.6 days in lame cows. The calving to first service and calving to conception intervals were not significant different between lactations in lame cows. There were no significant differences for calving to first service and calving to conception intervals in lame cows associated with claw disease and floor conditions. The average number of services per conception was increased from 1.73 to 2.57 in lame cows. Service numbers were higher for the second lactation (3.0 services) but there was no significant difference between lactations in lame cows. The results indicate that lame cows have lower fertility
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