Evaluation of copper sulphate, formalin and peracetic acid in footbaths for the treatment of digital dermatitis in cattle

By Hunt, H. and Laven, R. A., Veterinary Record, 2002
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The efficacy of three non-antibiotic products (copper sulphate, formalin and peracetic acid) was compared with the efficacy of erythromycin, when the four substances were applied in footbaths for the treatment of cows with digital dermatitis. The cows were divided into four groups on the basis of their current housing and randomly allocated to one of the four treatments. Cattle allocated to the non-antibiotic treatments were footbathed daily for seven days, but the cattle treated with erythromycin were footbathed for two days only. Complete records were obtained for 252 lesions from 169 cows. There were significant reductions in the lesion scores of all four groups, but there was no significant effect of treatment and no significant interaction between treatment and time.
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