Environmental Influences on Claw Horn Lesions Associated with Laminitis and Subacute Ruminal Acidosis in Dairy Cows

By Cook, N. B. and Nordlund, K. V. and Oetzel, G. R., J Dairy Sci, 2004
The environment may influence the onset of laminitis and associated claw horn lesions of dairy cows by exacerbating changes in the hoof triggered by events at parturition, onset of subacute ruminal acidosis, or claw horn growth and wear and ground reaction forces on different walking surfaces. Environmental risk factors for laminitis and associated claw horn lesions include feed bunk space and design, pen layout, overstocking, heat stress, stall use behavior, and exposure to concrete and other types of walking surfaces. New evidence suggests that cow environment may be the final determinant of the degree of laminitis and lameness observed on dairy farms.
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