Comparison between herd performance of different users of computerized information systems

By Esslemont, R. and Guilhermino, M., Revista Argentina de Produccion Animal, 1995
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Responses received from 568 of 2000 dairy farmers in England and Wales to a Milk Marketing Board questionnaire on the use of computerized information systems (cIS) in herd management are analysed. Farmers who did not use cIS tended to have smaller herds and lower replacement and culling rates than those who used cIS. 59% of 356 users of cIS used the National Milk Records (NMR) system plus other cIS, 21% used the NMR system only, 18% used other cIS only and 2% did not specify which system they used. Compared with users of NMR only, farmers who used NMR plus other cIS had, on average, larger herds (209 vs. 74) and a higher percentage of cows developing mastitis and/or lameness; they also reported lower average age at first calving, higher stocking rate and higher annual milk yield/cow
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